Our parish has several organizations offering opportunities for all parishioners to become involved in the parish. Listed below are some of the organizations. Please contact the parish office at 281-452-9865 for additional information. Altar Servers Arts and Environment Bazaar Catholic Daughters of the Americas/Junior Catholic Daughters CCE Volunteer/Catechist Choir/Music Ministry Double Nickel Evangelization Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Finance Knights of Columbus/Columbian Squires Lectors Legion of Mary Maintenance Committee Respect for Life/Gabriel Project Sacristans Samaritan Ministry Youth Ministry Safe Environment (VIRTUS) Ushers
Knights of Columbus # 9041
Double Nickle Club
Getting Prepared for Advent (Catechists)
Legion of Mary
Social Ministry
Columbian Squires
Music Ministry
Bazaar and Naming of new BBQ Building after Charles Orton Sr.