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Welcome to St. Andrew Parish                                                              

We welcome you to our site at St. Andrew Roman Catholic Church, a member of the  Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, located at 827 Sheldon Road in Channelview Texas, 1 mile north of Interstate 10.  This parish has been recognized as a special community that brings the love and teachings of Jesus to this area.  We continue to grow in love and service as we continue to build the Kingdom of God here in this part of God's vineyard.  

Mission Statement

We, the people of God, baptized in the Holy Spirit, and called to gather at St. Andrew parish in Channelview, are a multi-ethnic community of believers, diverse in many ways, but united in our faith in Christ Jesus.

As a worshipping community, we come together to offer praise and thanksgiving to God, celebrating the mystery of Jesus Christ in the sacraments, and to proclaim the Word, which continually calls us to repentance and renewal.  As Catholic Christians, we enthusiastically commit our parish to learning more about our faith and to teach our youth about God's love.

The tradition of our Church challenges us to be truly universal, responsible for serving the many diverse needs of the entire community, and, conscious of our mission to serve, we gratefully use the gifts and talents, given us by God, to compassionately care for those who are hurting, to heal those who are broken, and to offer hope to those in despair.  We are active followers of Jesus, who is love, and, in keeping with the mission of the first Apostles, we freely volunteer, as individuals and families, to serve God by sharing our faith, and our resources, so that all people may grow to appreciate the dignity and sacredness of human life.

To accomplish this, we strive for holiness by becoming a people of prayer.  Our example in joyfully worshipping God and serving each other will show us to be Christ-like in action as well as name.  We welcome all to join us in this great mission--our mission--the mission of the children of God.
